#1 Website Maintenance Company in Clearwater
Last January, the WHOIS Accuracy Program went into effect. This requires all domain companies to verify certain data with every domain owner annually. It also requires them to suspend or delete any domain name that cannot be verified.
As one of our free public services, Profit Gate assists local business owners to protect their domains. The fact is, having a domain suspended or deleted can be catastrophic for business owners since both websites and email depend on domains.
Occasionally, the domain rules change. We must all pay attention to these changes, or we face the consequences. There is a system called the WHOIS which is basically a directory of all domains, who owns each, and who hosts the websites.
Just so you know this is for real, the new rules regarding WHOIS verification can be seen here: www.icann.org/resources/pages/contact-verification-2013-05-03-en
And here’s a related article;
Now, here’s how to insure that your domain will not be suspended or deleted:
Other Points
Friendly Warning: Having a third party’s name and email as the “Registrant” on your WHOIS means that your domain is owned (and controlled) by them. This can become a very serious problem, should the third party and your company part ways or have a dispute. Make sure your company is listed as the Registrant, especially the email address.
Tip: You may want to print WHOIS record for your files, considering how important this is to your business. Hand write your log in password on that paper for convenience.
Privacy Protection: if you have “Privacy Protection” for your domain, you’ll see something like this on your WHOIS;
Registrant Name: PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC.
Registrant Email: c7b82dcc0a16121e1e5ac0604468dca0@domaindiscreet. com
Some people think Privacy Protection helps prevent spam. It does not. In fact, it is much like having an “unlisted phone number” for your business, to help reduce telemarketing calls. What about the legitimate buyers trying to find you?
Now days, many savvy buyers use the WHOIS to check out a company before buying. Having privacy protection gives people the idea that you are hiding something. Not good. You may want to contact your Sponsoring Registrar and get the privacy turned OFF – unless you ARE hiding something.