#1 Website Maintenance Company in Clearwater
August 2013
By Dan Lewis – Bio
From 2008 to 2013, the Web Design Services industry has exploded due to the increase in broadband connections and the rise of mobile users. In addition, there has been a rise in demand for web services caused by a shift in business behavior toward using the Internet versus other media in their marketing. And, with the proliferation of smartphones, the demand for mobile-friendly websites is growing very fast.
According to IBISWorld, the Web Design Services industry revenue has grown to over $20 Billion a year, and is increasing by an average of 2.7% annually. While there are some large corporations involved in this industry, small companies and freelance people dominate the majority in the U.S. The total number of web design businesses in the U.S. is currently at 116,528. The total number employed is 207,419. That means the average company in this industry employs less than 2 individuals.
Over the next five years, IBISWorld estimates a continued growth in the industry. As use of the Internet continues to grow, as technology improves, and as mobile devices expand – the Web Design Industry will obviously continue to flourish.
Due to the massive proliferation of content management software such as WordPress, creating websites has become relatively easy. This is why the industry is so dominated by small firms and individuals. Additionally, off shore design companies offer cheap labor and low prices. Between these two factors, the future will bring increasing competition. No company currently has more than a 5% share of this industry.
Add to all this the fact that there is absolutely no regulation by anyone in the Web Design Industry, and you may begin to see why business owners get confused when shopping for a new “web master”. There are about 1,165 “companies” for each of the roughly 100 US market areas (Tampa/Clearwater area being one of these markets). Which one to use???
Once again, I remind you – A good looking website is worthless unless people can find it in the search engines. And most web designers know little or nothing about that. Caveat emptor! (Let the buyer beware.)
For more information about Web Design click here.