#1 Website Maintenance Company in Clearwater
When you are designing websites, the last thing you need is a slow computer. The programs used in building website are rather large, complex systems and can tax most any computer.
Programs like Dreamweaver (the preferred webpage editor) and Photoshop (one of the most popular image editors) use a lot of system resources. Smart designers will therefore take a little time, now and then, to give their machine a tune up.
One of the coolest tools to make a tune up fast and easy is called CCleaner. Although they have a Professional version for $24.95, the regular version is free! You can get yours here; www.ccleaner.com and it does all these things –
For your computer system;
Windows – Empties Recycle Bin, removes Recent Documents, Removes unneeded temporary files and Log files.
Registry Cleaner – Advanced features removes unused and old registry entries that can slow down performance.
For your browsers;
Just use the top 2 functions; “Cleaner” and “Registry” and in a few minutes, your computer is running like a top again.
I’ve been using this for years now and have never needed to use the backup that is one of the steps in cleaning your computer. I just say no to the backup and proceed.
CCleaner was created 9 years ago, has been downloaded literally one Billion times, and is used by about 25% of all the PC’s in the world.
This one tool really does everything needed to keep you running fast, except de-fragmenting a computer. But I’ll get into that later, in another Blog.