#1 Website Maintenance Company in Clearwater
Memo from Dan Lewis:
January 25, 2016
To All Clients,
Over the last year, I have taken a hard look at the overall business of website services. With costs rising and increased competition, Profit Gate was faced with two choices; a) raise our prices, or, b) lower our costs.
I decided to reduce our overhead and keep our fees lower than most of our competition. As you know, the most expensive business cost is labor. Last August, I began replacing employees with independent contractors.
This month, the transition was completed. Anything normally sent to Sandra will now be taken care of by me personally. My team of professional contractors now handles all our work quickly and economically.
By taking these actions, Profit Gate has remained competitive, stable and viable. Our quality of work is actually better now, as my contractors are self-employed and don’t get complacent. We are more flexible now, and can handle any increases or decreases in business without a problem.
Most of my duties now involve directly helping my clients get whatever they need in a timely fashion. I think this is a good thing for all concerned. After all, no one cares more about Profit Gate’s Clients than myself. Feel free to call me anytime.
Dan Lewis