#1 Website Maintenance Company in Clearwater
When you ask some people, “What is SEO?”, they say, “Oh, that’s Search Engine Optimization.” OK, but what does that actually mean? There are many ways to explain it, and some are really not much help. Some people may even think that I have some sort of ‘magic wand’ that I wave over a website […]
Although most of our clients enjoy problem-free email year after year, some experience issues occasionally. The most common issue involves how the account is managed at your end. There is a setting found in the Outlook (and other) mail program that is used to “Leave a Copy of Messages on Server”. This is the problem. […]
Most computers come with a free trial of one of the expensive Anti-Virus programs, such as McAfee or Norton. Once the trial expires, you are unprotected against malicious attacks via email or websites. To protect against this danger, a computer using the Internet needs a good Anti-Virus system. For over a decade, I have used […]
Modern computers have become a vital part of a business owner’s daily life. They are now so sophisticated that we tend to think they maintain themselves and need no servicing. Not true!
Memo from Dan Lewis: January 25, 2016 To All Clients, Over the last year, I have taken a hard look at the overall business of website services. With costs rising and increased competition, Profit Gate was faced with two choices; a) raise our prices, or, b) lower our costs.
In April of 2015, Google updated its search engine to penalize websites that are not mobile-friendly. They knew that mobile was growing fast. Last May, Google announced that searches done on mobile devices had exceeded those by PC’s. The trend is clear: mobile is taking over the search market. When you search on your smart phone, […]
Last Sunday, October 25th, a new reality TV show called The Condo Cops premiered on Tampa’s CW TV Network. Profit Gate’s President, Dan Lewis, attended the Premiere Party in Palm Harbor to watch the first episode with the cast and crew.
As they say, the only constant in our Universe is – change. And Profit Gate is no exception. Here are some changes that have occurred recently.
Although most of our clients enjoy problem-free email year after year, some experience issues occasionally. The most common issue involves how the account is managed at your end. There is a setting found in the Outlook (and other) mail program that is used to “Leave a Copy of Messages on Server“. This is the problem. […]
Last April, Profit Gate, one of Clearwater’s first professional web design and digital marketing companies, was awarded a contract by Condo Cops Productions. The agreement covers designing the official Condo Cops TV Show website and digital promotion.